Recently re-elected South Portland Representative Lois Reckitt sponsored a bill in the Maine Legislature to have MaineCare pay for abortions. Representative Reckitt did not campaign on this issue. None of her campaign material showed her potential constituents that MaineCare paying for abortions was a top priority for her should she be re-elected.
Aside from abortion being immoral and fundamentally wrong, her quest to have MaineCare pay for abortions is a completely deceitful offering. The “Hyde Amendment” prevents Federal tax dollars from being spent on abortions. Had Representative Reckitt’s bill passed into law, it would have effectively meant hard-working Maine people would have had to pay the bill for an abortion directly.
Hard-left Democrats around the country have sought to expand abortion rights and many have sought to sock the taxpayers with the bill. Their quest to take the life of an innocent, unborn child appears to know no boundaries, nor any limit to their deceptive actions to make you pay for this atrocity.
Thankfully, through public awareness, the people of Maine spoke loudly, calling the Maine House and the Governor’s office. You, forcefully, told our elected people that you were not happy with this immoral legislation. You told our elected people that you do not want to fund abortion with your tax dollars.
Thankfully, they listened to YOU! Maine L.D. 20 – An Act to Provide Coverage for Abortion Services for MaineCare Members has been withdrawn due to YOUR voice.
YOUR actions are a reminder to us all. When the people stand forcefully and demonstrably on the side of what is good and what is right, the people will prevail.
Your actions may not have fully stopped the atrocity of abortion, but it did make it more difficult for this barbaric action to take place. YOU made the difference and because you took the time to call and send emails, have literally saved children’s lives from being taken before they could even take their first breath.
We hear so much from the extreme-liberal-left that we must take care of the most vulnerable in our society, yet they ignore the very life of the innocent, unborn. Let me ask you, “What is more vulnerable than an innocent, unborn child?”
This is not over. We may have won this battle, but we have not stopped this entirely. There are various ways they could attempt to accomplish the goals of L.D. 20 and we must be vigilant in our efforts to loudly let the Governor and the Maine Legislature know this is unacceptable.
Thank you for acting. Your voice matters and your voice made a huge difference.
Ray Richardson is the host of the Ray Richardson Show on WLOB Radio. He has authored three books, written a newspaper column for over a decade and is a contributor to Richardson Magazine. Ray lives with his wife of almost 34 years Dee Dee in Westbrook Maine. They have four children (8 when you count the spouses), one granddaughter and a little dawg who thinks he is human.