June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Although elder abuse is an issue across the country, with an aging population, Maine is likely to see an increase in cases of elder abuse and financial exploitation. You may know that Maine is, per capita, the oldest state in the country, but we are also one of the most rural. While living outside of urban areas may not be a risk factor for elder abuse, social isolation is; many Mainers reside in small communities and may experience significant social isolation.
Elder abuse affects men and women of all cultures, races, and socio-economic groups, and it is largely unreported. The National Center on Elder Abuse suggests that only 1 in 14 cases of abuse is actually reported to the authorities. Sometimes it can feel like there is nothing you can do to help, but it is possible to end elder abuse in Maine. Elder abuse is a community problem with community solutions. It is important for community members to become advocates and speak out on behalf of those who cannot. Engaging people through grassroots organizing, campaigning for public awareness, and observing Elder Abuse Awareness Day are all great ways to get involved.
This year, the Maine Council for Elder Abuse Prevention (MCEAP) is encouraging Mainers, young and old, to spread the message that there is no excuse for elder abuse. The Council wants to see No Excuse For Elder Abuse bumper magnets all over the state: on cars, boats, tractors… the sky is the limit! Photos of the magnets can be shared using social media or just with friends – the goal is to start the conversation about elder abuse.
This June 15th, please consider taking part in World Elder Abuse Awareness Day activities! Check out MCEAP’s 2019 social media plan for social media posts to share on your own and your organization’s social media networks. You can find the social media toolkit on MCEAP’s webpage: https://elderabuseprevention.info/ This toolkit is intended to help organizations and individuals across Maine participate in coordinated statewide activities for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD).
The mission of MCEAP is to support collaborative efforts to combat elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation. To learn about the warning signs of elder abuse, where to go for help or to receive a free bumper magnet to show your commitment to this worthy cause, contact them today.

Jane Margesson, AARP Maine Communications Director
Address: 53 Baxter Blvd, Portland.
Phone: 1-866-554-5380
Email: jmargesson@aarp.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/aarpmaine
Twitter: www.twitter.com/aarpmaine
Website: www.aarp.org/me