What makes a hero a hero? I know this much, I am not one. I have known this for a long time but I really understood it last year when I erected a 7 foot tall, 50 foot long Heroes Wall at my box company at 11 Morin Street in Biddeford, Maine. As I met veterans and their families who are honored on the wall, it was inspiring to discover what a hero is from those who are or loved one.
I had a vision for what the Heroes Wall could be but it has exceeded all my expectations. I never realized how impactful and important it would be for the people who are on the wall and the moms, dads, wives, sons and daughters who submitted the tile information. As I talked to them and heard their stories and their sacrifices, it was abundantly clear to me that they are all heroes. And yet, virtually every one of them would deny such a distinction. They would say they were just doing their job. Well, I just do my job, too. I make and sell boxes. At no point in my almost 30 year career have I gone to work with the realization there is a possibility that I would not come home that evening. My wife never kissed me goodbye wondering if it was for the last time. I never gave my kids a hug as I left for work with my heart aching because they may grow up without me. I never signed my name on the bottom of a contract to sell boxes with the complete understanding that, with that signature, I was agreeing to lay my life on the line for my co-workers and my country. So, in my opinion, when you do those things, you are a hero.

Do you have a hero in your life? Do you love someone who served in the American military or is serving as you read this? If so, please consider going to www.volkboxes.com to order a tile or become a sponsor. As of the writing of this article, the Heroes Wall has 343 tiles, each one honoring an American hero who was willing to sign his or her name to that life or death contract. With those tiles and sponsorships, we have been able to donate exactly $25,000 to the Biddeford, Saco, Old Orchard Beach VFW. Every single dollar raised for the Heroes Wall is donated to the local VFW. They have used that money to fix part of the basement, paint inside and out, replace the entry way, bought a new dishwater, added a much needed dehumidifier to make the VFW more comfortable and have helped countless local veterans, veteran organizations and children’s programs. And we are just getting started! There is space for almost 500 more tiles!

We have pledged that no one is denied a tile due to financial challenges so corporate and personal sponsorships are critical to the mission. Sponsorship levels are available at $150, $500 and $2,500 but we will appreciate donations of any amount. We encourage you to come see the Heroes Wall and talk to your company about becoming a sponsor.
The Heroes Wall is locates at 11 Morin Street, Biddeford, Maine. It is open 24/7/365.
For more information go to www.volkboxes.com or follow us at www.facebook.com/VPCHeroesWall.

Derek Volk is the President and owner of Volk Packaging Corporation, a 3rd generation corrugated box manufacturer in Biddeford, Maine. He is the author of the Amazon Best Seller, Chasing the Rabbit: A Dad’s Life Raising a Son on the Spectrum.