Shawn Mckeough, Jr.
April 12, 1995 – March 15, 2019
Shawn Mckeough Jr.: An American Hero
In March of 2019, America lost a hero and learned the name, Shawn Mckeough Jr. While stationed in Arkansas, serving in the U.S. Air Force, Shawn put himself in harm’s way during a convenience store robbery to save others who were in the store with him. He’d always lived a life of service and this was, clearly, no different.

His cousin, Justin Neptune, is engaged to my daughter, Elizabeth, so while I did not know him well, I knew what kind of person Shawn was through Justin and our community.
The numbers on a grave marker tell the dates you were born and died, but it’s the dash between the numbers tells the story of someone’s life. We’ve have asked some of the people who loved and knew Shawn the best to tell some of the stories that make up his dash and in Shawn’s case it represents a heroic life…full of love, laughter, music and service to others.
A special thanks to Karla Kent, who helped us to coordinate the stories and pictures, and to all those who have contributed, THANK YOU for sharing your stories of Shawn and helping us get to know him just a little better.
-Ray Richardson
A Story told by Lisa Hebert, Shawn’s Mom
So, Shawn had a habit of surprising us when he was away on leave. But this one particular time was different and scary, but it had a happy ending.

So, while he was stationed in Korea, we talked every single day via text. One day, I text him like I always did, but when I sent my text that day, it didn’t say day delivered like it always did. So, of course I start to worry, because it always delivered. Well, hours go by and still nothing, so I’m like “Whats up”? I text Sarah [Terrano, Shawn’s girlfriend] and she hadn’t heard from him either. I’m thinking to myself, “that’s not like him.”, “What is goin on?”.
So finally hours later … he sends me a text and it reads, “hey mom.. I’m at the hospital. I wasn’t feeling good so I came to get checked out”…but I’m ok. Just wanted to let u know and I’ll text u later”…Wait!! … What??
So, then I start to panic. Being a mom…Worrying…Thinking the worst … Crying … Why is he at the hospital!? … What happened?? … What is he not telling me?? … OMG!! Something bad happened!

I couldn’t sleep and Tommy says “hun he’s ok … probably the stomach bug … he’ll be fine … don’t worry … get some sleep.” I finally fell asleep, then, all of a sudden we hear a knock on our bedroom door at like 1:00am. I wake up and peek at the door slowly opening …. and … I hear his voice … “hi Momma” I jumped out of bed so fast, I grabbed him and hugged him so tight.
I was so beyond happy to have my baby home! He did it again! He surprised us!!! That’s why his text weren’t going through … he was in the air!!! When he had a quick layover that’s when he text me to say he was the hospital.

Jeez! So, we get up and go downstairs to chat and visit with him. We asked how did u get in, all the doors were locked and deadbolted because we weren’t expecting anyone at that hour of the night. He says “I climbed in the living room window.” And our two dogs, Koda and Gabby just sat there and watched him. They never made a sound. He says, “good watch dogs we have..lol” Thank God it was him and not a stranger.
Tom says “Hey Bud, next time you wanna surprise us, please think of something else to say instead of “I’m in the hospital”!!!” lol
From Kelsie Berry
(Karla Kent’s daughter)

Shawn was like my second brother. A brother from another mother. Everyone always said we should have been born that way to begin with, because we were so much alike. Both of our mothers would joke about it and call us “two peas in a pod”, which has always made me proud.
He was my brother’s absolute best friend, boyfriend, and brother, all-in-one and I admired their relationship so much.

It was truly one of a kind. Kaleb and Shawn’s quick-witted humor and their love for each other was my favorite thing to watch, as we grew up together.
The best part of every year, was our summer family camping trips. We always shared many laughs and made the best memories. Shawn constantly had our families belly laughing and there was never a dull moment when he was around.

From marching around with American flags together, to competitive corn hole tournaments and simply just listening to comedian Bob Marley around the fire, he made life so much better. I even enjoyed the typical “little brother” antics from him, when he would bug me to play his favorite Dan + Shay song over and over, or when he would beg me to make my buffalo chicken dip for him.
I am beyond lucky to have had him in my life, for as long as I did. I’m even luckier to always have some of my best memories include him.
From the Tucker Family (Denise, Harry, Andrew and Avery)
Harry is Tom Hebert’s cousin. Our three Families (Hebert, Tucker and Kent)
have spent many camping trips and “fam” dinners together).

When we think about Shawn, we are fortunate enough to have a bank of memories that spans 2 decades. Shawn was the big kid to our little kids.
The first memory that comes to mind is camping! The annual summer family camping trip at Sebago Lake State Park, what a Griswold sight to behold.

Our little kids always wanted to keep up with those dang big kids which meant we didn’t get to sit down and relax much!
However, the wicked sense of humor Shawn brought with him everywhere, the laughs, the jokes but also the kind, caring, thoughtful, watchful eye was always so appreciated. After Shawn left for the service we always planned our family Summer vacation around his return.
Despite the busyness of summer jobs, camps and sports our kids always wanted to be sure we made time for that trip. Last Summer as our own kids became big kids too and we saw the new memories build we thought about all the fun that was yet to come. We know August on the lake will never be the same but we hope the kids continue to laugh, make memories and know they hold Shawn’s memory in their hearts.
From Marty McInnis
(long time great friend)

Being friends with Shawn was always uplifting. His sense of humor and charisma was genuinely contagious. Shawn always knew how to make a room laugh, and that’s what we did most when we were
together, was laugh. He was a family man, and being friends with Shawn was like being a part of his family. His determination and sense of adventure in life was something I always admired about him and will continue to do so. A part of Shawn will always be with myself and all of us. I love and miss you, friend.
From Andrew McCarthy
(long time friend)

It is no secret that Shawn was loved by many here in Westbrook. Shawn had a sense of humor that fit right in with “the boys”, and his humorous sarcasm was unmatched. He was greatly missed while he was away in the military, and when it was time for him to come home for a short visit, EVERYONE knew about it and wanted to see him.

One night while he was home, a bunch of us gathered at his house for a few (or so) drinks and a good time with someone greatly missed. It was around midnight when we all thought it would be a great idea to gather my speakers and microphone and have a private concert on his back deck! We all sang and had such a good time together until we were “politely” asked to put an end to it, understandably. I mean, the neighbors certainly weren’t too pumped up about a fully mic’d concert going on at midnight with about 20 of us singing at once. This memory is something I will always remember and is just a true testament to the love that we all had for Shawn.
Eulogy from Karla and Todd:
(Todd)– Good Morning. For the record, Karla was originally going to do this herself but for those of you who know her, you know she cries at commercials. So we thought we would do this together.
(Karla)– Well, Mr. Tough Guy over here has cried more in the last two weeks than he has in his lifetime. So we have a side bet to see who breaks first!
(Todd)– Shawn has touched the lives of so many people. It’s been truly amazing to see the outpouring of love and kind words. So we thought we would take the time to share some quotes that we’ve seen over the past two weeks
“A true hero is not someone who thinks about doing what is right, but one that simply does what is right without thinking…”
“He was hilarious. And I’m so grateful to have grown up with him as a friend.”
“You truly are one of a kind.”
{(Todd) “I think Karla threw this one in there to try to get me to break, this one is my own quote”.} –

“This is the stuff I will miss. A quiet game of cribbage, a joke around a fire, a game of bag toss or hacky sack. Family dinners at Friendly’s or Roadhouse. Your smirk when someone said something not quite right. You wouldn’t call them out, your grin would do it for you.”
“He always had the most positive attitude and didn’t let anyone bring that down.”
“Called by duty, Shawn McKeough Jr. lost his life doing exactly what he volunteered and trained to do:
protecting his fellow citizens from danger.”

“Such a genuine and amazing soul, who would do anything to protect your family and friends.”
“A lively personality and generous heart”
“I’m not at all surprised he gave his life for others.”

“You had a special touch that made everything enjoyable”
“Your selfless soul will forever be a hero.”
(Todd)– We could read thousands of these posts…but we all know who Shawn was, a caring, loving, honest, salt of the earth guy.
(Karla)– For me personally, he was the life of the party, the brightest of lights, the greatest of friends. He made our life better when he was around. Our family loved Shawn like our own, he didn’t need to ask to spend the night, he had his own bureau drawer and section in Kaleb’s closet, he didn’t need to be invited on family adventures…he assumed he would be a part of them and so did we. He was meant to be a part of our lives. He stole my heart at the age of two and never let it go…so, I consider myself one of the lucky ones…lucky to have known him all these years. Lucky to have so many cherished memories.
(Todd)– We will leave you with this because this one especially hits home for us. “There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends who become family.”
(Karla)– If Shawn was your friend, he was undoubtedly your family. Forever and always Shawn. We love you.
(End of Eulogy)

Todd and Karla are married. Karla and Lisa ( Shawn’s mom) have been best friends for over 20 years and Tom (Lisa’s husband) and Todd have been life long best friends, much like Shawn and Kaleb. As you can see their families are extremely close. Their son, Kaleb and Shawn were “brothers from different mothers” and best friends.