Ray’s New Book

             MAINE: It’s Time To Choose

These are the opening few paragraphs of the book.

“Throughout the long history of our world, all nations eventually
turn toward some form of tyranny, even those conceived in the
individual freedom and liberty of their people. It typically happens in
the name of some great fear or some great intention, but it happens.

In 2020 and 2021, Americans got a taste of what government
tyranny looks like, feels like, and sounds like. Some states were better
than others. Some states were much worse, as the power did what it
eventually does to almost everyone, it corrupts.

Governors around America were given various enhanced powers
to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. These powers allowed the various
Governors to determine who and what mattered in our society. No
one individual should have the power to determine who or what
is essential. Some Governors managed the enhanced power in an
acceptable manner. Others did not.

MAINE: It’s Time To Choose, takes you back to the first eight years of the Paul LePage administration and reminds you of the good things he accomplished.  Some things you might remember, others may be new.  This is the first section of the book.

Section Two looks at a few of the things Janet Mills has done as Governor that, frankly, should disqualify her for a second term.  We all make mistakes, and she made her share.  Imposing tyranny during the time of the pandemic, however, was not a mistake.  It was done with intention.  I break down several of the issues, how she handled them, and why her actions demand a change in the Blaine House.

Section Three looks at the things Paul LePage has promised to do with a third term as Governor.  Maine has serious structural issues, such as a declining available workforce, the 3rd or 4th highest tax burden in the nation, and declining education outcomes, to name a few.

I lay out ideas to address the threat to the lobster industry, ending vaccine mandates and why lowering our tax burden will get our economy moving, just as it was when LePage left office four years ago.

This book is a quick read with a casual style.  If you listen to my morning show, you will recognize it immediately.

One last thing; we put on a golf tournament to benefit the Travis Mills Foundation each year in October.  A portion of the book proceeds will be donated to the Travis Mills Foundation through the golf tournament.

I hope you find out a few things you may not have known.

May God Bless you all,

Philippians 4:13

$13.00, plus shipping
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