Mourners Gather to Memorialize the
Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
The State Capital bell rang 47 times on January 18th commemorating 47 years since enactment of Roe v Wade which made abortion legal in the US. Today, abortion is the leading cause of death in the US, surpassing cancer and heart disease.
Mourners gathered to publicly memorialize abortion and to give a voice to the many innocent lives lost by joining Hands Around the Capital. Maine Right To Life is the organizer of the annual event. Founded to protect and uphold the dignity and worth of each human life from conception to natural death, they seek to uphold the inviolable sanctity of human life by making abortion, infanticide, doctor prescribed suicide and euthanasia socially, ethically, and legally unacceptable and to actively promote positive alternatives.

Participants began the day attending prayer services offered at St. Mary’s Catholic Church and Penney Memorial United Baptist Church – both in Augusta. A gathering and rally followed with Pro-Life leaders and prominent Pro-Life Speakers providing information, education, and solemn hope that the atrocities of Roe v Wade will someday be reversed putting abortion in our dark regrettable past right next to slavery.
One of the speakers was former abortionist, Dr. Haywood Robinson. Early in his residency, he received abortion training as part of obstetrics and gynecology services. Acknowledging the power and influence of group think he went along to get along. On abortion day, his mind went into dehumanization and desensitization mode where he became convinced that he was actually helping women in crisis. Money was a lure, as abortion is a lucrative business. Eventually, the little voice inside weighed heavy on his heart. He had a conversion experience that changed his life. Today, he serves as the National Medical Director for 40 Days for Life.

The event culminated with a peaceful march to the Maine State Capital, where the Capital bell rang out 47 times – poignantly punctuated by the placement of a red rose after each gong. 61 Million babies lives have been snuffed out by abortion. Five unborn babies are lost to abortion each day in Maine.

There is hope. Across the US, abortion rates have declined hitting record lows each year. There has been a lot of medical advances since the enactment of Roe v Wade. Seeing a fetus, hearing a heartbeat – are medical technologies exposing the indisputable truth: life begins at conception. People consciously know this – and more are choosing life. What once was gray, is now clearly black or white.
Yet the Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice debate rhetoric carries on. Pro-Choice has become the gray area of a murky argument. While many women today state they are pro-choice, emphasizing personally, they would never choose an abortion, they still remain beholden to the politically correct rhetoric that women should have a choice. This is unfortunate.
Sadly, studies show that many women not only didn’t have a choice; they were not told the risks of abortion. These women call abortion the Unchoice and the statistics speak for themselves
- 65% women having abortions said they felt pressured to abort.
- 84% said they were not fully informed.
- 52% felt rushed; 54% uncertain beforehand, yet
- 67% received no counseling beforehand, and
- 79% were not informed about alternatives.
- Most suffered from trauma symptoms; facing a significant risk of injury or death after abortion.
- Coercion can escalate to violence.
- Homicide is the leading killer of pregnant women.

Hands Around the Capital event
Photos Courtesy of
ME Senator Stacey Guerin
The Pro-Choice movement is perpetuated by the well-funded Planned Parenthood. Under the guise of “protecting women’s reproductive healthcare” Planned Parenthood has led women down a dark dangerous deceitful path that is anything but choice. According to their own annual report for 2018 – 2019, abortion is not only big business for them (345,672 last year); their business is growing. How can they protect women’s reproductive health when they are, quite literally, sucking the life out of women?
Planned Parenthood executives claim that abortion represents only 3% of their “services”. According to their report, they provided prenatal care to 9,798 patients, and adoption referrals to 4,279 patients. Translation: For every one prenatal care referral, 35 babies are aborted; for every one patient referred for adoption, 81 babies are aborted.
Planned Parenthood’s largest share of revenue comes from grants and government reimbursements. It’s time to re-direct funds to true life-giving healthcare organizations who genuinely look out for the reproductive health of women, protect the unborn and don’t perform abortions. Maine has 144 affiliated Federally Qualified Health Centers across the entire state who provide quality healthcare across urban and rural areas. Planned Parenthood, in contrast has only four locations in Maine serving Cumberland and York Counties.
How can we rightfully call this a woman’s right when another innocent, vulnerable and speechless life is involved? And if this is a woman’s right haven’t we forgotten about the aborted female babies? This is a violation of human rights. Abortion, like slavery and the holocaust, is a crime against humanity.
It’s time to rename this debate:
Pro-Life vs Pro-Abortion

Karen Vachon
Maine Right To Life Executive Director
She is a former two term State Legislator from Maine House District 29, Coastal Scarborough, with a 100% Pro-Life voting record.