Let Your Cool-headedness Keep Your Warm Heart Safe When Looking for Love and Friendship Online.
Lots of people meet friends and potential love interests online through dating sites, social
media, or mobile apps. It can be a great way to meet people, but not everyone is who they say they are online. In fact, scams related to online relationships are on the rise.
Take a look at our tip sheet and watch this short video to learn how you can stay ahead of the scammers.
You can learn more about online relationship scams at aarp.org/FraudWatchNetwork
Right here in Maine, follow us on Facebook @aarpmaine and share our weekly scam alerts every #FraudWatch Wednesday.
Jane Margesson, AARP Maine Communications Director
Address: 53 Baxter Blvd, Portland.
Phone: 1-866-554-5380
Email: jmargesson@aarp.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/aarpmaine
Twitter: www.twitter.com/aarpmaine
Website: www.aarp.org/me