Delivery sales should consider the safety and security of the driver.
► Remind drivers to always obey all traffic laws.
► For the safety of the drivers, the Store should have a “credit card only” policy for deliveries to be made after 9:00 p.m. If the driver is unable to complete the delivery, the customer can be given the option of pick-up.
► Always get a callback number for the customer. A list of all customers, telephone numbers, addresses, and the order of delivery should be on file before the driver leaves the store.
► The driver should be equipped with a fully charged cell phone. The driver should contact the store upon arrival and when leaving the delivery address. The police emergency number, 911, should be programmed into the phone.
► Vehicles should have placards in the windows that say the drivers carry limited or no cash.
► Be alert to vehicles that may appear to be following you. Note vehicle and driver description. If followed to the delivery destination, do not exit your vehicle, drive around the block and if they continue to follow you, make sure your doors are locked and call the police.
► Be alert to suspicious persons loitering around the delivery address.
► Never deliver to a house that looks vacant. No lights and an unkept yard are just a few of the signs of vacancy. If in doubt, stay in the vehicle and call the customer to turn on the lights and meet you outside.
► Keep vehicle doors locked at all times. Have the vehicle key on its own ring and never leave the vehicle running and unattended.
► Park as close as possible to the door of the delivery destination.
► Carry yourself with authority — head up, back straight. Call 911 anytime you think the situation is threatening!
More Tips for Drivers…
► If you need to call 911 for any reason, Do Not Hang Up if you cannot talk! Leave the line open and the call taker will just listen and start police to your location if needed.
► Keep cell phones with you, fully charged and easily accessible, but out of sight at the delivery location.
► Make sure “Location Services” on your cell phone are turned on while doing deliveries.
► Use your Maps and/or GPS Service on your phone to confirm a location before you head out.
► Only take a minimum amount of cash with you.
► Leave personal items such as jewelry at home.
► Print the rules of delivery on take out menus (maximum $10 in change, etc.)
► Advertise that you accept credit Card payments and checks.
► Put signs on the windows of any marked delivery vehicles that Read: “Driver Carries No Cash” and/or “Orders Have Been Pre-Paid by Credit Card”
► Allow your drivers to wear normal clothes, not a uniform. This makes them look like ordinary people, not a delivery person who may be carrying cash. (However, if your drivers don’t wear uniforms and the cars don’t look like delivery vehicles, It’s a good idea to issue them a company ID card showing your business logo, driver’s picture, And their first name only.)
What If A Robbery Occurs…
Assume They Are Armed. Your Safety Is More Important Than The Cash You Are Carrying !!
► Stay calm. Follow the directions of the suspect.
► Focus on remembering the details: Description of the person, any vehicles, and direction of travel.
Stay on the phone until police arrive. Wait to call the store until officers tell you it’s safe to do so.
► Do not talk about the robbery to anyone until the police arrive. If there are any witnesses, ask them to remain at the scene until they have given a statement to the police.
Call 911 as soon as the situation is threatening.
Always be aware of your surroundings and make sure you have your peace of mind with F3Defense Mobile Pepper Spray Defense Systems.
Let’s Be Careful
Out There

Freedom From Fear
F3Defense CEO/Founder