Special Olympics celebrated their 50th last year…
The spark that became today’s Special Olympics movement ignited at the first 1968 International Summer Games in Chicago, Il., USA.
Since Special Olympics’ inaugural event on July 20, 1968, following many years of advocacy and action for social change, the organization has grown to include more than 5 million Special Olympics athletes across 172 countries, with 80 percent participating outside the United States. Both China and India each have more than 1 million athletes.

We are the largest global amateur sports organization and global public health organization dedicated to serving people with intellectual disabilities!
Here in Maine we currently serve just over 5,000 children and adults who have intellectual disabilities. (We are currently only reaching about a third of the population of people here in Maine who could benefit from the program.) Special Olympics Maine (SOME) offers 75 events each year and we currently have about a 1.3 million dollar budget (and only 5 full time staff!) We cover every Maine county and we continue to grow every year.
Special Olympics Maine celebrates the BIG 5-0 this year!!!!

In 1968, a Special Education teacher from Maine, took a group of athletes out to Soldiers Field for the Inaugural event. The following year, he came back and started Special Olympics Maine.

It was the summer of 1969 and Mickey Boutilier of Gorham, had something planned that no one in Maine had ever seen before. He had invited children and adults with intellectual disabilities to join him in Portland, for an overnight event and two days of sports competition. Weeks earlier he had shared his idea with Special Education teachers all across the state, and although most people thought it was crazy, many agreed to participate.
It is important to remember that in the mid 60’s and earlier, people with intellectual disabilities were not even going to school, let alone participating in community events or sports. It wasn’t until the 70’s that offering Special Education even became a law.

During Mickey’s planning time, he asked educators to train their students in preparation for the first Special Olympics Maine State Summer Games. He also needed to gather volunteers, sponsors, donors, and had to find a place for the athletes to stay overnight. This did not end up being an easy job. Every hotel in the surrounding area turned him away, some even stated that having “those people” in their hotel would be bad for business. As a last resort, and kind of as a joke, he went to the finest hotel Portland had… The Eastland, (which had recently been purchased by the Dunfey Family). Expecting the biggest “No” yet, Mickey was shocked when he was welcomed with open arms. The family and the hotel staff were thrilled to be part of this exciting movement.

During those first games in Portland, Mickey brought in his family and friends to cheer on the athletes and volunteer. We even begged teachers to bring their students to be athletes. This is all important to know because today we have hundreds, if not thousands of volunteers who make our program the success that it is. Today, we have to offer crowd control in front of the awards stands. We have even capped some of our events, and have had people sit out because we didn’t have the space. These are problems we never dreamed of having back in those early days. We have come a long ways in 50 years!
Special Olympics Maine is proud to have been one of the original 12 programs in the world to offer a Special Olympics program. We also offered the worlds first poly hockey program, 5-aside soccer program, and the World’s first Special Olympics Winter Games.
Happy Anniversary Special Olympics Maine!!!!! If you are interested in supporting our program in honor of the 50th anniversary and helping us to continue to grow, please click here to make a secure online donation and thank you for caring and sharing. https://www.firstgiving.com/event/SOME/Special-Olympics-Maine-50th-Anniversary
Lisa Bird has been the Director of Public Relations & Athlete/Youth/Law Enforcement Initiatives for Special Olympics Maine for 27 years. Lisa is a graduate of both the University of Maine in Farmington and Orono and sings in the Christian Band, Fulcrum. She lives in Gorham with her husband Frank of 21 years and their teenage, hockey playing sons Noah and Jonah. Email: LisaB@somaine.org Phone: 207-879-0489