“Be where your feet are planted”
I read this in a book a few months ago and it really made me think about how I was living my life. It wasn’t until a few days ago, that I really appreciated and understood the meaning behind being present in the moment…being where my feet are planted.
My old teammates from East Carolina University (ECU) came to Gainesville this past weekend to play us in lacrosse. It had been almost a year since I had last seen them. I was able to squeeze them tight at their hotel the night before the game and cheer them on the following day. My heart was truly beaming with joy as I watched the girls I spent my freshman year with play against my new school’s team
I’m not going to lie…it was sad. I didn’t expect to be filled with so much emotion as I reunited with the girls who were with me during some of the most challenging months of my life, but it makes sense. We cried together, laughed together, and made so many memories with one another. They were the closest thing I had to family while I was in North Carolina.
I did not realize it until this weekend, but I had neglected to be where my feet were planted when I was at ECU.
I decided to stop playing lacrosse after my Freshman Fall and applied to transfer to The University of Florida (UF) (where I am now). I was so excited about this next chapter in my life, that I lived in the future, not in the present. My focus was getting the grades, earning the credits, and getting out of Greenville as fast as I possibly could.
That was a mistake.
I fear that being so caught up in the future made me neglect to be present in the sweet relationships and friendships I had there. I wasn’t present with people or my situation because I just wanted so badly to move onto the next, bigger and better thing.
“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10
He tells us to be still, and know that HE is God. I am not God (thank goodness!!!), therefore I am not in control of my future, even though I may like to think I am. Since He is the Author and Finisher of our stories, there is no need for anxiety about the future. He enables us to be still, to live in the moment, to love others wholeheartedly, and to be where He has placed us.
This simple, yet profound verse offers so much freedom for someone who, like me, is driven by anxiety and goal setting. When my mind is set on something, I put the blinders on and turn on my “all or nothing” mentality.
By doing this, I missed out on closure. Though I was in North Carolina physically, my mind and heart was on Florida.
Seeing my girls again this weekend made me realize that I had failed to say my proper goodbyes to them and that chapter of my life. It taught me a really valuable lesson about being present and living where my feet are planted. It taught me about being content in the present because I am here for a reason.
Paul, in Philippians 4:11 says,
“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.”
These words from Paul come from a place of knowing that he did not need anything because he had God. He learned to be content through the good, the bad, and the ugly because his hope was solely on the One who is much greater than you and me.
I am not saying you shouldn’t be happy about your future endeavors or excited about what’s to come, but I want to encourage you to be where your feet are planted and to trust that you are there for a specific reason. I sure wish I would have.
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE my life at The University of Florida!! I consider myself so blessed to be at this amazing school. I am surrounded by so many great people who encourage me, challenge me, support me, and love me better than I deserve. This lesson is something that I will continue to reference, even as I evaluate how I’m currently living my life. I don’t want to look back on my years here at UF and wish I would have been more present in the moment.
Make memories, have fun, live in the moment, be where your feet are planted…you won’t get another chance at “right now.”
My name is Brooke Richards and I’m a sophomore at UF. My majors are psychology and journalism. I’d describe myself as a go-getter, who shoots for the stars, even when the outcome seems impossible. I started my blog to inspire people, provide a source of encouragement and share how Jesus is working in my life. I credit 100% of my successes to The Lord, who provides for me far more than I could ever deserve.
Contact Info: Email: blrich1399@gmail.com Website: brookerichards.org