With many thousands of miles of public trails and acres of parks available to us, Maine is the perfect place to take a stroll or a hike. Especially if you enjoy snowshoeing and cross-country skiing, you can access many of these beautiful sites virtually year-round. There are trails for outdoor enthusiasts of every age and fitness level, so it’s easy to find a spot that is just right for you and your family. Visit www.mainetrailfinder.com to find trails throughout the state and you’ll soon be walking regular!
At AARP Maine, we are moving! Several of our wonderful volunteers have started to host weekly walking clubs so fitness fans can enjoy their time outdoors together. One of our volunteers, Sammee Quong, initiated the first walking group in Augusta, leading weekly walking excursions on the Kennebec River Rail Trail. The walks have turned into a lovely time to socialize and meet new friends, all the while enjoying an outdoor fitness activity.
As of this writing, we also boast walking groups in Lisbon, Brewer and Portland. Plus, AARP Maine itself hosts occasional walks on the Eastern Trail, sometimes under the full moon! Pat Pinto, AARP Maine’s Volunteer State President, is co-captain of the Portland Maine walking group. She told me that she is particularly excited that her group is forming a team to participate in the local Alzheimer’s Walk. “As we continue to welcome new walking friends to our group, we felt this was a great next step (pun intended) so we could also give back to this very worthwhile cause.”
There’s good news for those of us who may have traded in our sneakers for a good nap on the couch. There is extensive research to back up the notion that all of us, at any age, can gain great benefit from regular exercise. You can find tips on how to start a safe, healthy exercise plan at www.aarp.org/health.
In the spirit of keeping moving and getting outside this fall and winter, would you be interested in either joining us or starting a walking group of your own? I’m interested to find out if Wiser Living readers might be willing to start walking groups in other towns. With so many trails from which to choose in our beautiful state, there are easy opportunities to organize short, local walks and excursions. If you would be interested in working with us and other volunteers as a Volunteer “Walk Captain,” please send a note to me@aarp.org to get started. Our goals don’t have to include running marathons or anything – just a light stroll will get the ball rolling. We look forward to seeing you out there!

Jane Margesson, AARP Maine Communications Director
Address: 53 Baxter Blvd, Portland.
Phone: 1-866-554-5380
Email: jmargesson@aarp.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/aarpmaine
Twitter: www.twitter.com/aarpmaine
Website: www.aarp.org/me