This article should be considered a sidebar to the article, Just Imagine.
As you know, the Maine Legislature is considering passing a measure that would tie Maine’s Electoral Votes to a Multi-State Compact that would award our Electoral Votes to the winner of the National Popular Vote (something that does not actually exist). If this measure passes the Maine Legislature and Governor Mills signs it into law, the battle is not over. Maine law has a provision known as a People’s Veto which allows Maine citizens the ability to nullify actions of the Maine Legislature.
Unlike a normal referendum question, a People’s Veto has very strict requirements and a very narrow timeline to put the action into place. If you are interested in being involved in a POTENTIAL People’s Veto or other political activity, please fill out the form at this web address: http://wlobradio.com/index.php/be-bold.
A People’s Veto requires the collection of roughly 65,000 certified signatures of registered Maine voters to qualify for the ballot and be voted on in the next available statewide election. The signature gathering cannot begin until the end of the legislative session. The clock starts ticking immediately and ends at 90 days after the legislative session closes.
We must organize now in anticipation of taking on this effort. To be clear, no decision has been made, but we do need to know who our allies might be.
Please sign up today. You can also go to the wlobradio.com website, in the menu bar, click on
Ray Richardson is the host of the Ray Richardson Show on WLOB Radio. He has authored three books, written a newspaper column for over a decade and is a contributor to Richardson Magazine.
Ray lives with his wife of almost 34 years Dee Dee in Westbrook Maine. They have four children (8 when you count the spouses), one granddaughter and a little dawg who thinks he is human.